Provided By: Pier i Cafe
Pier i Cafe

Venue highlights

Rehearsal dinner and bridal shower

Venue details


Banquet Hall/Restaurant


Rehearsal Dinner / Bridal Shower


500 W 70th Street
New York, NY 10069


Combine views and good food at Pier i Cafe, a seasonal outdoor cafe located along the Hudson River in Riverside Park South. Your family and friends will appreciate the open air and scenic river views that, when coupled with dramatic sunsets, add to the magical allure of New York City. Relaxed and informal, Pier i Cafe is an idyllic spot in the city to unwind and gather with your closest family and friends of up to 100 to celebrate your upcoming nuptials before the whirlwind of wedding-day frenzy sets in.

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Service Options


Pier i Cafe

Venue Highlights

Rehearsal dinner and bridal shower

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